ONELIGHTSYSTEM (OLS) is a meditation teaching [developed a proper meditation practice] receiving direct (seeing) light energy modality technique are available exclusively ONLY from an OLS Teacher and official OLS Instructor . Only an OLS Teacher , OLS Instructor or OLS student who has been initiated by OLS is entitled to be called a OLS official. #OLS data center (personal) Meditation Illumination Accont (OLSMIA) is a unique way to mine/receiving/process and store your personal MLMD(minned/recived light min. data) Equity can be minned and harvest OLS Students apply for assess. to receive your Initi to begin (receiving/minning/processing OLS Light Minutes and distributing LightEnergyPersonalHashscript) #OLSM (collective) Meditation teachings developed and Publicly became available (open-source) 04.22.217 founded by Nazar Pankiv official/legal name (user/next name) nazarasvitlo
nazarasvitlo OLS counselor
announcement 08-21.
1. new updated release OLS version on 0.1.0108.(7-9):15
ONELIGHTSYSTEM (OLS) LLC has been successfully registered with the California Secretary of State.
1. new updated release OLS version on 0.1.0108.(7-9):15
ONELIGHTSYSTEM (OLS) LLC has been successfully registered with the California Secretary of State.
Entity Number: | 201823310487 | |
File Date: | 08/17/2018 |

OLS counselor#OLS DATA intellectual property copyright protection
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