2874.76 - onelightsystem OLS CTO Announcement: olsme.com Upgraded!

2874.76 - onelightsystem OLS CTO Announcement: olsme.com Upgraded!
76/3405 -- 03/07/2025

We’re thrilled to unveil the newly upgraded olsme.com, a refined platform designed to elevate your experience with onelightsystem OLS. Our team has been hard at work enhancing the user interface (UI) to deliver a smoother, more intuitive design while bringing our complete Academy vision to life. This update reflects our ongoing commitment to providing cutting-edge meditation education and showcasing the vibrant activities of our growing community.

With this release, olsme.com now offers:

  • A polished, user-friendly look and feel.
  • Enhanced features to support your journey in Sun Light Meditation and Light Civilization.
  • A clearer window into our Academy’s mission and real-time progress.

To accelerate this evolution, we invite you to support us on GitHub! Your sponsorship fuels our efforts to innovate and refine olsme.com efficiently, ensuring we continue to empower students worldwide. Join us in building the future of OLS—visit our GitHub Sponsors page:
Support OLS on GitHub

Thank you for being part of this journey. Together, we’re illuminating the path to a brighter, Light-driven Humanity

The onelightsystem OLS Team
