
948.OLS onelightsystem founder Nazar Asvitlo Wishing Happy Thanksgiving

894.OLSLM assets ICO (1a) availability for general public

884.ols iee.aeo olsme.web.developer on prospect registration (new levels verification) to assessment

614. OLS Q7updates New Services fees 12.23 effective day 12.30

OLS web. data migration to new host +public trends (announcements)

OLS iense (Light science `time-calendar-update`, architecture campuses)DRAFT

OLS* updates implementing executions: aunselo, iense (10.20update5-9):20

OLS inves. OLS LM 3333,3 (updates coming 10.17)

542.OLS.days. roadmap

`OLS aunselo` at the meeting CA secretary of the state. for Language Accessibility Advisory Committee (LAAC) (VEDEO live)

OLSM:10 update(2--9), 3324OLS LM, only 21.3%. OLS inves. & public/private offering

OLS Services new Fees effective day 09.26, OLS inves. crunchbase / patreon seed round

OLS INTRO. INITI. Service Fee updated equinox (draft)