
1497.OLS.4.08 Founder CEO Nazar announcing OLS9LM executive assets a. (scheduled) 76/161 vs 06/01

984.ols.iee.aeo LIVE Presentation to California SBE meeting

OLS iense / aunselo attending Meeting Ecology Initiative (CA Water Plan Update 10.09-10.2018)

`OLS aunselo` at the meeting CA secretary of the state. for Language Accessibility Advisory Committee (LAAC) (VEDEO live)

OLS iense reports/ ecology analytic data research / recommendations SWRC / 10.03

542.OLS iee.aeo delivered updates to the CA state dep. education (CDE) and (NBES)

OLS iense . CA state DWR , SGMP, GSP. comments to SWRC / 09.25

OLS official (environmental initiatives meeting 09.17 to support CA state water board)